Here we have one example of how Gannongate is truly awful, one of legion:
" To get daily access to the White House for 2 years you HAVE to get a hard pass. To get the hard pass you have to get an FBI background check that takes 3-4 months, and involves filling out scary as shit paperwork about your life for the past 10+ years. When I got my security clearance while working on the Hill, they talked to my relatives in Greece. They grilled me about my student loans, even though I was paying them just fine. Gannon, on the other hand, didn't have to get the kind of background check we got, simply because he skirted the system. He operated under a daily pass while having a de facto hard pass."
Not to put too fine a point on it: if the background check is necessary to ensure the security of the nation, why was Gannon exempted? If it is just a bureaucratic flaming hoop, why does everyone else have to sweat blood?
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